I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.
Matthew 25:40

... and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
Acts 1:8
June 2, 2024

Men's Ministry
Thursday, May 30, 50th Anniversary Celebration
Golf Tournament starting at 1:30 PM
Friday, May 31, Christian Comedian Charles
Marshall in the BVCC sanctuary starting at 6 PM in the
fellowship hall. This event is open to the community.
Saturday, June 1, 5oth Anniversary Celebration
Concert by the Sanctuary Choir at 4 PM
Sunday, June 2, Sunday worship at 10:00 AM with special guest speaker Pastor Thad Moore, who served as senior pastor from 2005-2012
All are invited to enjoy cake following the worship
Golf Tournament starting at 1:30 PM
Friday, May 31, Christian Comedian Charles
Marshall in the BVCC sanctuary starting at 6 PM in the
fellowship hall. This event is open to the community.
Saturday, June 1, 5oth Anniversary Celebration
Concert by the Sanctuary Choir at 4 PM
Sunday, June 2, Sunday worship at 10:00 AM with special guest speaker Pastor Thad Moore, who served as senior pastor from 2005-2012
All are invited to enjoy cake following the worship
Organizations We Support
We support 16 Northwest Arkansas organizations and 4 worldwide mission teams.
Other outreach includes disaster relief.
Bella Vista

Bella Vista Memorial
Garden Cemetery
Bella Vista Lutheran Church
The Shepherd's Food Pantry
Village Bible Church
Oasis Food Pantry
Northwest Arkansas

Camp Barnabas
Special needs and chronic illness camp
To win, build and send Christ-
centered disciples from the University
of Arkansas student body
centered disciples from the University
of Arkansas student body
DEB Project
The DEB Project strives to be a complete support network for the foster care community as well as school social workers. All of the proceeds from the thrift store assists local foster families and schools.
Helping Hands
Thrift store that provides aid
and assistance to those in
need in Benton County
and assistance to those in
need in Benton County

Lives Under Construction
New Life Ranch
NWA Children's Shelter
Open Avenues
Helping at-risk boys ages 7-21 become capable, committed, Christian citizens
Camp and conference center to
proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ
and equip believers for ministry
proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ
and equip believers for ministry
A 24-hour emergency residential
facility for children and adolescents
facility for children and adolescents
Opening avenues for people with disabilities by facilitating personal
growth and attaining vocational goals
growth and attaining vocational goals

Salvation Army
Samaritan Community Center
Sharing & Caring
Souls Harbor
Provides emergency shelter, meals, clothing, household items and
disaster assistance
disaster assistance
Soup kitchens, food pantries,
dental clinic, counseling and
“Snack Packs for Kids”
dental clinic, counseling and
“Snack Packs for Kids”
Provides Christmas gifts for children
with financial need
with financial need
Transitional living facility for homeless men in recovery

Crossover Global
Matthew, Christine, Trenton, Ashton, & Evan Rule
Matthew and Christine Rule have been called to make
disciples among the nations, and to share the gospel
especially with those who have never heard before.
Matthew and Christine Rule have been called to make
disciples among the nations, and to share the gospel
especially with those who have never heard before.

Mission Aviation Fellowship
Providing ministry through missionaries and organizations to the most needy and isolated people in remote regions on 5 continents using aviation and communication. We support Dan (a pilot) and Sylvia Rogers. Dan works in the MAF hangar and travels to overseas locations for special plane maintenance projects.

La Promesa Honduras
We support Christy Owen. Christy works on Bible translation in Honduran sign language in Honduras.

We support Mike and Jennifer Moline. Mike is the Recruiter and Perspectives Presenter with Wycliffe USA and prepares others to carry out the duties of Wycliffe Bible Translators.