Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17

Have you ever had questions or observations regarding a recent sermon at BVCC but no good opportunity to present them?
Have you been looking for an opportunity to engage in informal Christian fellowship with other men at BVCC?
Have you wanted to get better acquainted with some of the men at BVCC?
Have you ever sought an opportunity to invite your unchurched friends to an informal gathering where biblical truths are discussed?
Do you have unanswered questions regarding God, Christ or Christianity in general?
Would you like to hear a short, relevant devotion presented occasionally by some of our laymen? Would you like to present
one yourself?
one yourself?
If your answers to any or all of the above are yes, then you are encouraged to attend our Men's Fellowship!
Men's Bible Fellowship
Lower Level Room 8/9
8:00 AM
Current Discussion
Get Connected and Go Deeper
Join the Men's Bible Fellowship Wednesdays at 8:00 AM as they discuss the book
The Message of ACTS by John R.W. Stott
Ping Pong Ministry
Get your game on!
Join us each Monday and Thursday from 9 - 11 AM in the overflow room to play ping pong
and meet new people. No experience is required, just an open heart and mind.
Join us each Monday and Thursday from 9 - 11 AM in the overflow room to play ping pong
and meet new people. No experience is required, just an open heart and mind.
