Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2
If you could use a spiritual friend during a difficult time, the CARE Ministry Team is available.
If you would like to have a CARE Minister visit with you once a week or once a month,
please contact Pastor Anna.
If you would like to have a CARE Minister visit with you once a week or once a month,
please contact Pastor Anna.

What is the CARE Ministry?
The acronym CARE stands for Compassion in Action through Relationships of Encouragement.

The CARE Ministry Team meets regularly for continuing education and support. CARE Ministers have been trained in the following topics from The Caring Congregation: Training Manual and Resource Guide by Karen Lampe:
In All Things, Pray First!
Theology of Care & Support Ministries: Creating the Toolbox for Care
Visitation: The Most Sacred Hours
Leading through the Darkest Valley
Theology of Care & Support Ministries: Creating the Toolbox for Care
Visitation: The Most Sacred Hours
Leading through the Darkest Valley

Ministry of Presence
The most important aspect of pastoral care is the ministry of presence -- just being present with a person not necessarily doing or saying anything. You may find yourself in need of a spiritual friend -- a person who could walk alongside you during a difficult time. CARE Ministers are people who have been through training to be present and listen well; they pray with you and offer encouragement from God's Word.