Early voting Oct. 21-25;Oct. 28- Nov. 1 from 8 AM-6 PM and Election Day is Nov 5 from 7:30 AM-7:30 PM

Mission, Purpose & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

Our Mission

Our mission, as an interdenominational, evangelical Christian church, is to make
known and promote the worship of God
in obedience to the Great Commission
and Great Commandment.

Our Purpose

Loving God, loving people, and making disciples of Jesus in Bella Vista and beyond.

Our Promise

Our Charge

Following Jesus, we will grow together in:
  • Truth—learning God’s Word;
  • Righteousness—applying God’s Word to our lives;
  • Love—living out God’s Word in our relationships.  
“…grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.”
(2 Peter 3:18)

Our Vision

Bella Vista Community Church Vision Statement
Our purpose is to glorify God. Our mission is loving God, loving people, and making disciples of Jesus in Bella Vista and beyond.

Loving God
We envision our church as one whose members, having experienced God’s love through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, enthusiastically respond with love toward the Holy Trinity—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit—with all our hearts. Our growing love for God causes us to joyfully worship Him and moment-by-moment seek the Lord’s counsel in prayer and meditation. We eagerly gather for sermons that are biblically inspiring and relevant to our lives. Our devotion to the Lord increasingly inspires our congregation, choir, and musicians to greater levels of Spirit-filled adoration and praise. We dream of an atmosphere of true discipleship where our members joyfully give of their time, spiritual gifts, and financial resources for God’s glory. Our obedience to God’s Word is daily demonstrated in our focus toward gracious and righteous living before Him. Our goal is that our members experience authentic worship, both corporately and individually, not just as something we experience on Sunday but rather as a natural and inspiring way of life.

Loving People
We envision our church where we, as a lifestyle, demonstrate Christian love for all people as we affirm all people are created in the image of God. We warmly and enthusiastically welcome newcomers to our worship services and other church events. We follow up with them and help them integrate into the life of the church. We seek to purposefully take interest in the lives of people around us in our daily walk: caring for them, sharing their concerns, praying for them, and reaching out to bless and love those God puts in our path as well as those far away. We continue to foster a prayer ministry as a vital part of loving people and see this special ministry expanding as our church continues to grow. As a local church we acknowledge we have a special responsibility to each other as followers of Jesus Christ. We feel especially called to be with a brother or sister in time of need, to reach out to help where we can, and to always pray for one another. The Gospel of Christ is a calling to love unconditionally, and we strive to be an example of that love in our world.

Making Disciples
We envision our church as a family of outreach. We are equipped to help our members find and use their spiritual gifts to glorify God and joyfully spread the message of His love to all people in Bella Vista and beyond. Our worship services are God-focused with transformative sermons that inspire evangelism. We encourage our members to eagerly invite lost friends to our worship services as well as other church-sponsored events that they may hear and feel the love of Christ. We provide classes and workshops in evangelism as well as small and large group Bible studies so that we may be fully equipped to share the Gospel confidently and clearly with others. We foresee a flourishing mentoring program in our fellowship that fosters one-on-one personal spiritual growth and inspires us to be better witnesses for Christ. We are known for being involved in our community as we seek to minister in large and small ways to those around us. We see our local outreach expanding and calling more people to come to the Lord. We are constantly exploring ways to attract all age groups to activities provided by the church so that all may find a closer relationship with our Lord. All generations are involved, and everyone has a place to serve and be spiritually fed. We enthusiastically and generously give to missions both locally and around the world to support ministry to the unchurched. For us outreach is not just a program but an overflow of our lives into the world for the cause of Christ.

In Conclusion
Our vision is a continuation of our founding purpose in the objectives of our constitution from 1974: “The objective of the Bella Vista Community Church is to provide the residents of Bella Vista with an opportunity to worship and study in their own community in an interdenominational setting. As revealed in the New Testament, its further purpose is to encourage these worshippers in faith in Jesus Christ and an active commitment to the work of the church, to aid their continuing growth in the grace and knowledge of Christ that they may know His will, and to work for the unity of all Christians that they may build the kingdom of God together.”

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